Ngā Mihi
Ka rere tonu ngā mihi a Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga ki ngā rangatira me ngā kaumātua o te ao whakaata, nā rātou i whakatū ngā pou taketake o tō mātou ahumahi. Ko mātou kei te whai i ō rātou tapuwae, ā, hei tūtohu tō rātou whakaaro nui me ā rātou mahi i te aronga o te tauihu o te waka. Tēnei mātou te whakanui nei i tō mātou ao ahurei i Aotearoa me ōna āhuatanga katoa, e noho nei hei kākahu motuhenga mō ā mātou kiriata. E whai ana mātou ki te tautoko ki te poipoi hoki i ngā reo ahurei me ngā matakitenga o ngā kaitārei kiriata o nāianei, o ngā reanga hoki e piki ake nei.
Te Whāinga
He poipoi i ngā kiriata Māori me ngā kaitārei hoki, i te taha o te ahumahi kiriata Māori, i mua i Aotearoa, i te ao whānui anō hoki.
Te Whāinga Poto
Kia mahi ngātahi mō ngā wawata i āta whakaaetia i mua. Ka whakatutukitia tēnei rautaki, ka whakatinanatia hoki i raro i ngā mātāpono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi me Te Ao Māori. E whakaae ana mātou neke atu i te kotahi ngā tirohanga ao o te iwi Māori; ko tō mātou whāinga ia kia whakanuia ngā tikanga me te kawa, kia tohutohungia kia tautokona hoki te ahumahi Māori i roto i aua mahi.
Ngā Whāinga
ka mahi kōtui tonu me te ahumahi kiriata Māori te whakatutuki i ngā whāinga o Te Rautaki.
Te Kawa
Ka mahi tahi tonu Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga me ngā mātanga, ngā kaitohutohu hoki mō te matauranga Māori, ki te hua ake i tētahi mahere kōtuinga Māori, me te tūhura i ngā anga me ngā aratohu ahumahi mō te mahi me ngā tākinga kōrero kaupapa Māori.
Te Āheinga me ngā Pūmanawa
Ka hanga āheinga whakaroto i Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga ki te mahi tahi me te iwi Māori me ā rātou kaupapa kōrero. Te Tautoko i te whakawhanaketanga āheinga i te ahumahi kiriata Māori mā te tautoko i ngā kōkiri turaki maioro, whakapakari hoki ngā hononga me to whakwhiti kōrero.
Ngā Whāinga
1. Te whakaahua tangata
Whakanui i te whakaahuatanga pono o ngā kiripuaki Māori, o ngā pūrākau Māori, o ngā wāhi Māori, o ngā tātai kōrero, me ngā tikanga Māori.
Tautoko i ngā kiriata kounga tiketike, nā ngā tāngata auaha Māori tonu i ārahi.
Whakatenatena i ngā kōkiri Māori.
Whakatupu i ngā hinengaro atamai Māori hōu, ērā hoki e pihipihi mai ana.
Whakatika i ngā wāhi e āhua korekore ana te hunga Māori i te ahumahi kiriata o Aotearoa
Taunaki i ngā kiriata Māori, i ngā kaitārei kiriata hoki, i te kāinga, i te ao whānui hoki.
Whakawātea i te huarahi mō ngā kaitārei kiriata Māori kia mahi haere tonu i ā rātou kiriata whakamīharo ihumanea, whāngai hoki te wairua, e noho ai hei taonga mō te ao.
2. Te kawa
Whakatakoto mahere kōtuinga Māori.
Tūhura i ngā anga ahumahi e kitea ai he huarahi mahi tahi ki te iwi Māori me ō rātou pānga, tae atu ki te mana taonga ā-hinengaro, ngā kawa me ngā huarahi mahi hoki e tika ana ina whakawhanaketia he kiriata i Aotearoa.
Whakatinana whakaritenga tirotiro, whiriwhiri hoki i ngā tikanga mahi mō ngā kiriata he āhuatanga Māori, he pūrākau, he kiripuaki Māori hoki o roto.
3. Te Āheinga me ngā Pūmanawa
Mō te Tumu Whakaata Taonga:
- Whakatairanga i te māramatanga ahurea me te āheinga anō.
- Tautoko i ngā whāinga wāhi whakapakari ngāiotanga mā ngā kaimahi ki te whakapiki i ō rātou pūkenga ahurea.
- Whakapiki i ngā kanohi Māori i waenga i ngā kaimahi o Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga.
- Hora whakangungu auau mō te Tiriti o Waitangi me ngā kōtuinga.
Mō te ahumahi kiriata Māori:
- Aromatawai whakarite kōkiri hoki hei turaki i ngā maioro.
- Tūhura i ngā wananga me ngā anga whakawhanake kaupapa Māori.
- Whakapakari i ngā mahi kōtui ki Ngā Aho Whakaari me ērahi atu hoa kōtui o te ahumahi.
- Whakapiki i ngā hononga me ngā whakawhiti kōrero puta noa i te ahumahi kiriata Māori.

Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga recognises and respects the rangatira and kaumātua of film, who helped to create the foundations of our industry. Inspired by these leaders we look to the future, guided by their wisdom and example. We celebrate the unique and distinctive culture of Aotearoa that differentiates our national cinema. We seek to support and champion the unique voices and visions of current and future generations of Māori filmmakers.
To champion Māori film and filmmakers, in partnership with the Māori film industry, to Aotearoa and the world.
To work in partnership to achieve mutually agreed aspirations. This strategy and its execution will be informed by the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and Te Aō Māori. We acknowledge there is more than one Māori world view; our aim is to be respectful of tikanga and kawa, with advice and support from the Māori film industry.
In partnership with the Māori film industry we will work together to achieve Te Rautaki objectives.
Promote authentic representation of Māori characters, stories, places, history and culture and support high quality films led by Māori creatives.
Partner with experts and advisors in mātauranga Māori to develop a Māori partnership plan, and explore industry frameworks and guidelines for engagement with Māori stories.
Capacity and capability
Build internal capacity at Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga to engage with Māori and their stories. Support capacity development in the Māori film industry by supporting and developing initiatives that address barriers and increase connections and communication.
1. Representation
Promote authentic representation of Māori characters, stories, places, history and culture.
Support high quality films led by Māori creatives.
Encourage kaupapa Māori initiatives.
Progress new and emerging Māori talent.
Address under-representation of Māori in the New Zealand film industry.
Champion Māori films and filmmakers nationally and internationally.
Enable Māori filmmakers to continue to make amazing, original, satisfying films of cultural significance.
2. Protocols
Develop a Māori partnership plan.
Explore frameworks for engagement with Māori interests including intellectual and cultural property and protocols and processes when developing and producing films in Aotearoa.
Support the creation of industry guidelines and tools for engagement with Māori stories, people and communities.
Implement cultural evaluation and assessment processes for films with Māori content, stories and characters.
3. Capacity and capability
For Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga:
- Promote cultural awareness and capability.
- Provide professional development opportunities for staff to improve their cultural competency.
- Increase Māori representation in the NZFC staff.
- Deliver regular Treaty of Waitangi and partnership training.
For the Māori screen industry:
- Assess and develop initiatives to address barriers.
- Explore kaupapa Māori development frameworks.
- Strengthen partnership with Ngā Aho Whakaari and other industry partners.
- Increase connections and communication across the Māori film industry.