Essential information

Supporting resources

The Advanced Development Fund (ADF) supports the final packaging and development needed for feature projects to become production ready.

What we fund

Support to advance scripted dramatic feature length  projects, so they will be eligible for production financing. The grant covers the costs of getting your project production-ready, and covers activities such as budgeting and casting.

Who can apply

New Zealand producers of a film with significant New Zealand content. The person named as the lead producer in your application cannot be the same person as the writer or director. 

How to apply

Apply now

What you need

  • Creative material - including logline, synopsis and market-ready script
  • Team Vision
  • Project history
  • Chain of title
  • Budget and timeline
  • Market - audience engagement notes and written evidence of any distributor and/or overseas market interest
  • Personnel - filmography and bios for key personnel
  • Te Rautaki Māori - details of any Māori content and plans for consultation or engagement with Māori creatives or advisors


Project type
New Zealand Filmmakers, Screenwriter
Funding type
Last updated: 
Thursday, 1 August 2024