Screen Sector Capability Funding supports the New Zealand screen sector to develop the business and technical capability to meet the challenges of a COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 environment.
What we fund
The NZFC has allocated up to $550,000 until June 2022, available as a grant across these two strands:
- Support for screen sector organisations.
- Sector wide skills and industry development programmes.
The maximum ask in support of your proposal is $50,000. Proposals over $50,000 will be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Who can apply
Applicants must be screen sector organisations, companies and/or collectives that are registered in New Zealand.
What you can apply for
1. Support for screen sector organisations
This funding will support the vital work that New Zealand screen sector organisations and guilds undertake, enabling them to continue to provide services to their membership and the wider industry.
Applicants can apply for funding to cover costs incurred due to COVID-19 including the loss of income, cancellations of events and other COVID-19 related costs.
Applicants may also apply for funding to help support the delivery of joint planning, contractual and strategic work across the sector and to explore new business and operating models with the aim of developing more robust and sustainable models and ways of working for the future.
2. Sector wide skills and industry development programmes.
This funding will meet the current and developing needs of the sector that will enable talent to develop, upskill and flourish in a COVID-19 and post COVID-19 world. Industry partners and screen sector organisations may apply for funding to either enhance and/or expand existing programmes or deliver new bespoke programmes of skills and talent development.
How to apply
Apply online via our funding portal. Click the button below to get started.
This fund is currently closed to applications.
What you need
- A short history of the organisation, company or collective with links to a website if available;
- Details around the track record of your organisation and/or individuals involved to deliver the highest quality services and/or training;
- Details on how COVID-19 impacted your organisation;
- A description of your proposal;
- Details on how your organisation supports the development of Māori talent, female filmmakers and/or diverse or underrepresented communities, including any partnerships in place;
- A list of any partnerships with written confirmation from the partners;
- A detailed budget including any other investment and income;
- A full schedule of activity and key events.
For applications that specifically cover sector wide skills and industry development programmes:
- Details of the types of training/ development being proposed;
- Evidence of the need for the proposed programme(s);
- Who the training/development is targeted at, including both the roles within the industry and the proposed demographics of the participants;
- Identified learning outcomes for the participants;
- How many expected participants would benefit from this training;
- Where will your programme(s) be based;
- Details and bios of individuals leading the training;