All resources relating to the NZSPR and Co-Productions can be found here including guidelines, templates, FAQs and funding information.
Here are the criteria for productions applying for the New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) - International 1 July 2017.
Partnering for Success will tell you more about China-New Zealand screen collaboration.
This version is in English only.
Download the New Zealand Screen Production Grant Criteria for New Zealand Productions dated 1 July 1 2017:
In both English and Chinese.
Use this form to register for the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for New Zealand Productions.
Use this form to apply for a Provisional Certificate in respect of the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for New Zealand Productions.
Use the relevant form below to apply for a Final Certificate in respect of the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for New Zealand Productions:
Use this form to apply for a Provisional Certificate in respect of the Additional Rebate.
Use this form to apply for a Final Certificate in respect of the Additional Rebate:
(Click here if you are not applying for the Additional Rebate.)
Use this form to register for the New Zealand Screen Production Rebate for International Productions.