Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool meets Russell, an angry teenage mutant who lives at an orphanage. When Russell becomes the target of Cable - a genetically enhanced soldier from the future - Deadpool realizes that he'll need some help saving the boy from such a superior enemy. He soon joins forces with Bedlam, Shatterstar, Domino and other powerful mutants to protect young Russell from Cable and his advanced weaponry.

Screen Incentives

Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Grant

PDV supplier

Weta Digital


Feature film

Production companies

Kinberg Genre, Maximum Effort, Twentieth Century Fox


Stan Lee, Jonathon Komack Martin, Kelly McCormick, Rhett Reese, Ethan Smith, Aditya Sood, Paul Wernick,Simon Kinberg, Ryan Reynolds, Lauren Shuler Donner


David Leitch